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Explore the world of Concorde with Heritage Concorde
Concorde Aft Leg Engineers panel
This section of the engineers panel covers the following;
1. Aircraft integrated system data panel
2. Engine & Nozzle Test Panel
3. AFCS Test Panel
4. Compass Coupler
5. Fire Bottle test and Smoke Detection
6. Oxygen (Crew & Passenger)
7. CVR (Cockpit voice recorder)
8. Secondary air door monitor panel

Click below to find out more

Anchor 1
Aircraft integrated system data panel

Anchor 2
Engine and Nozzle test panel

Anchor 3
AFCS Test Panel

Anchor 4
Compass Coupler

Anchor 5
Fire bottle test and smoke detection

Anchor 6
Oxygen (Crew and Passenger)

Anchor 7
Cockpit voice recorder control unit

Anchor 8
Secondary air door monitor panel

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