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Introduction of Reinforced Cockpit Door, Surround and Lock System. This ia a real example/copy of the documentation with reference to the post 9/11 US requirement for a new reinforced cockpit door to be fitted to the whole Concorde fleet


CAA NOTE: Introduction of Reinforced Cockpit Door, Surround and Lock System






AIRCRAFT TYPE: Concorde Variants 101 & 102






OPERATOR: British Airways & Air France


INSTALLER: British Airways




CERTIFICATE CATEGORY: Transport Category (Passenger)




MODIFICATION TITLE: Introduction of Reinforced Cockpit Door, Surround and


Lock System


1. Introduction


The applicant has raised this modification to request approval of the introduction of a phase II reinforced cockpit door and the associated cockpit door locking system.


2. Modification Definition


2.1 Modification 2374 at issue 1 is an optional modification applicable to all production aircraft ( variants 101 and 102 ). It is anticipated that the modification will be first embodied on G-BOAG for British Airways and FBVFA for Air France.


2.2 The modification at issue 1 provides for partial embodiment of a reinforced cockpit door, and locking system to an Airbus specification and consists of the following items:


    A new cockpit door, reinforced against penetration and intrusion.

    A control unit and pressure sensors.

    A keypad access unit.

    A cockpit mounted toggle switch.

    A fault indicator.

    An acoustic warning device ( buzzer ).


3. Approval Procedures


This modification approval is carried out in accordance with Concorde Airworthiness


Procedures Edition 5, dated July 2002.


4. Basis of Certification


4.1 CAA Certification Basis for the Modification


The certification basis used for the approval of the modification is unchanged from that defined in UK Type Certificate Data Sheet BA 10 Issue 4 but with the addition of CAA Special Condition CAA-SA-A-029.


4.2 CAA Design Requirements For Certificate Of Airworthiness


Any installed equipment for which the Air Navigation Order requires approval must be approved by the CAA.


4.3 Environmental Requirements


Not applicable.


4.4 Design Requirements Associated With Operational Approvals


Not applicable.


5. Compliance with the Basis Of Certification


5.1 Compliance with the Certification Basis for the Modification


Evidence of compliance with the requirements of 4.1 above:


a. Design reports / drawings / data


Mod Proposal P.M. No. 11020, Mod 2374


b. Ground Test / Rig Test Reports


To be supplied as part of the Compliance Documentation


c. Flight Testing to demonstrate compliance


Not required


d. Compliance Checklist


Certification Compliance Plan, Ref: EAUL/0744/02.rfm, Issue 2, dated 24


January 2003.


Various Design Compliance Documents as listed in the Compliance Plan.


e. Equipment Approvals


Not required


5.2 Compliance with Design Requirements for Certificate of Airworthiness


Not applicable.


5.3 Compliance with Environmental Requirements


This modification is assessed as having no adverse effect on the aircraft noise, and the status of the aircraft relative to the noise legislation is unaffected. The existing noise certificate, if any, remains valid.


5.4 Compliance with Design Requirements Associated With Operational Approvals


Compliance has been established with the design requirements which are a prerequisite to approval of the associated operation. This finding of compliance with the design requirements does not signify that any operational approval has been granted.


5.5 Required (Amendments To) Manuals And Other Documents Including


Mandatory Placards


a. Approved Flight Manual Temporary Revisions 381 to 388 inclusive are required.


b. The Maintenance Manual is to be amended.


c. The Master Minimum Equipment List is to be amended.


d. The Electrical Load Analysis is to be amended.


e. The Illustrated Parts List is to be amended.


f. An amendment is required to the Type Certificate Data Sheet to reference the applicable CAA Special Condition.


6. Conditions Affecting This Approval


All placards specified by the manufacturer/modification must be installed. Limitations, and conditions defined in the modification/manufacturer’s documentation, and the


Flight Manual Supplement must be observed.


The compatibility of this modification with other previously approved modifications, installed on the particular aircraft, must be verified by the installer. Where the potential for interactions between modifications exists, the advice of the CAA shall be sought.


Certain operational approvals require that the aircraft and/or systems comply with specified design requirements. Where this AAN records compliance with those design requirements this shall not be taken as acceptance by the CAA of compliance with the relevant operational requirements, for which further justification may be required.


The modification as embodied qualifies as a phase 1 door. The modification at issue


2 will include the armoured door surround together with the introduction of the vented floor panels and will qualify as a phase II door. This AAN will be raised to issue 2 for this approval.


7. Continued Airworthiness


The influence of the modification on Airworthiness Directive, Service Bulletin eligibility and other data must be considered and the publications monitored accordingly. The maintenance schedule for the aircraft should include reference to this material additional to the original design


8. Survey


This aircraft F-BVFA being the first to embody the modification to be approved under this AAN, has been surveyed by the CAA.


9. Authorisation of Release to Service


In addition to the actions required by the procedures for release to service following maintenance or modification, the following actions must be completed prior to signing the Certificate of Release to Service:


a. All actions and ground test procedures specified by the modification instructions must be completed satisfactorily.


b. It must be verified that the documents or amendments to documents, and the placards defined under Section 5.5 above are as specified, including any changes specified under Section 8 above.


10. Approval


Subject to the conditions of Section 6 above, Airbus modification 2374 is approved for embodiment on any Concorde aircraft certificated in the Transport Category


(Passenger), provided that it conforms with the contents of this AAN, and is operated in accordance with the Flight Manual.


D J Clement




For the Civil Aviation Authority


Date 20 February 2003


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