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Concorde flight crews – British Airways


The criteria for Concorde aircrew and flight service staff was always to be of the highest quality. They were selected on the basis of their ability to perform their duties professionally, efficiently, and in a friendly, yet unobstrusive manner. At all times they were expected to look smart and well turned out. The uniform design reflected this philosophy, being at the same time relaxed and casual yet retaining a crisp businesslike appeal.
It was regarded as a peak in professional standards to be rewarded by being chosen to work on Concorde.

List of crews from 1976 -2003
Those qualified to operate Concorde as of April 2003 are marked in RED
Captains – Total 73
RPW Allen
R Andersson
A Baillie
M Bannister
S Bates
KP Barton
RJL Boas
JAD Bradshaw
DA Brister
NA Britton
LD Brodie
AL Budd
JD Butterley
JW Burton
BJ Calvert
JL Chorley
JD Cook
RV Dixon
PM Douglas
PRW Duffey
JD Eames
DA Edmondson
DH Ellis
M Emmett
V Gunton
JA Harkness
T Henderson
JW Hirst
PW Horton
JC Hutchinson
CCR Jolliffe
KD Leney
HJ Linfield
WD Lowe
P Mallinson
AJ Massie
CB McMahon
HC McMullen
IC McNeilly
AR Meadows
A Mills
RA Mills
CJC Morley
CC Morris
GF Mussett
K Myers
CE Norris
M O’Connor
B Oliver (CAA)
T Orchard
R Owen
DJM Rendall
J Reid (CAA)
E Reynolds
MA Riley
S Robertson
M Robinson
DG Ross
DC Rowland
L Scott
RS Smith
D Studd
A Thompson
BGT Titchener
NV Todd
J Smith
BO Walpole
SD Wand
R Weidner
R Westray
JR White
G Williams (CAA)
D Woodley
First Officers – Total 62
AB Atkinson
RB Babbé
P Bandall
A Barnwell
J Bedforth
P Benn
P Benson
AJ Bird
S Bohill-Smith
ME Boyle
RJS Burchell
MW Burke
C Burrough
D Byass
AD Cobley
AR Darke
J Downey
L Evans
J Graham
CD Green
P Griffin
B Harmer
AI Heald
BR Holland
J Hornby
JG Huson
B Irven
M Jealous
DA MacDonald-Lawson
A Macfarlane
DG Mitchell
EER Murton
J Napier
BR Oliver
CJD Orlebar
D Payne
JH Phillingham
J Phillips
R Pike
WJ Piper
AF Quartly
NS Rendall
JM Reynolds
R Reynolds
CA Robey
ML Robson
J Rooney
RA Routledge
PT Sinclair
WI Smith
K Snell
K Strocchi
RJ Taylor
J Tye
M Walden
MJH Watson
D Whitton
K Williams
MR Withey
MR Young
AJ Jule
Engineer Officers -Total 57
K Appleton
SL Bolton
GS Bowden
RC Bricknell
K Brotherhood
AA Brown
WJ Brown
PC Carrigan
A Chalmers
TF Caster
C Coltman
L Cooper
M Cooper
TB Dewis
W Dobbs
FW Duffy
R Eades
PE Egginton
T Evans
A Everett
IR Fellowes-Freeman
P Finlay
SG Floyd
F Ford
J Goatham
M Harrison
W Hazelby
M Hollyer
WG Hornby
D Holye
S Hull
D Jackman
WD Johnston
WA Johnstone
RA Jones
IV Kirby
JE Lidiard
PA Ling
DA Macdonald
R Maher
PJ Newman
T Norcott
PJ Phillips
A Price
TJ Quarrey
I Radford
JA Rodger
IF Smith
J Stanbridge
D Tracey
G Tullier
A Walker
RN Webb
NC West
AF Winstanley
J Wood
R Woodcock