Explore the world of Concorde with Heritage Concorde
Emergency Evacuation and Equipment
This section of the site describes and illustrates the systems and equipment which were essential to the safety of both the passengers and crew during adverse operational emergency conditions.
Emergency Evacuation Alert System
This system provides aural and visual warnings for the flight crew and cabin staff. It also permits the cabin staff at the forward door to operate the flight compartment visual warning by remote control.
The system consists of a audio (bleeper) warning and flashing light in the flight compartment and in each of the three vestibules. The system is automatically actuated at all stations whenever the arming and control switch in the flight deck is set to the ON position or, provided the control switch is set in the ARM position whenever the cabin crew’s ON/OFF switch is set to ON. The system cannot be actuated when arming and control selector is set in the OFF position. However, if the cabin crew’s ON’OFF switch in the forward vestibule is set to ON and the flight compartment control switch is in the OFF position, only the flight compartment flashing light will be actuated. The audio warnings may be individually shut off at each applicable station.

Emergency & Survival Equipment Stowage Locations
Flight Deck Compartment
Torch (Flashlight):
Stowed at the flight engineer’s station.
Smoke Goggles:
One pair at each position:-
Captain – in the Left-hand side console
First Office – in the right-hand side console
Flight Engineer – at his station
Portable Oxygen Equipment:
One mask and one pack in the miscellaneous equipment rack
Fire extinguisher: (CO2)
Asbestos Gloves:
Fire Axe:
One extinguisher mounted on the miscellaneous equipment rack, one pair of gloves in a rack compartment and one axe on rack 215
Escape Ropes:
One rope is stowed in each side console
Life Jackets:
Five life jackets are stowed in the miscellaneous equipment rack for the use of the flight deck crew
Passenger Cabin
Fire Extinguisher (CO2):
Forward left-hand door, Centre left-hand door and Rear right-hand door
Fire Extinguisher (Water):
Centre right-hand door
Ditching Lines:
One on each side of the aircrafts in the centre amenity stowages
Escape Rope:
One rope is stowed in the forward amenity stowage
Escape Slides:
One on each door, those at the forward passenger door and at the centre doors are slide/rafts
One at the forward passenger door and one at each intermediate door. The associated canopies are packed with the relevant emergency packs.
Life Raft:
One at the rear of the aft cabin (Right-hand side)
Emergency Packs:
One in the forward amenity stowage, two at the rear of the forward cabin, one supplementary pack at the rear of the rear passenger cabin on the left-hand side
Radio Beacon:
One at the rear of the forward cabin (Right-hand side), and one at the rear of the aft cabin (Left-hand side)
Life Jackets:
Passenger – one under each passenger seat
Infant – six in the right-hand rear amenity stowage. (Left-hand side rear amenity post mod)
Cabin – one in each of the amenity stowage, and one on the right-hand side of the forward vestibule, adjacent to the right-hand Stewards seat
Demonstration – one in the forward and two in the right-hand centre amenity stowage
First Aid Kits:
Three kits; one each in the forward right-hand centre, and right-hand rear amenity stowage
One in the forward left-hand side supplementary galley (No.4) (Pre mod)
One in the rear left-hand side supplementary galley (No.5) (Pre mod)
One at the forward left-hand side door (Post mod)
One at the rear right-hand side door (Post mod)
Fire Axe:
One in the rear right-hand stowage
Crew Portable Oxygen Set:
Forward left-hand door and forward right-hand door
Centre left-hand door and centre right-hand door
Two at the rear right-hand door

Escape Slides & Slides/Rafts

Inflatable slide and slide/rafts are used during the evacuation of Concorde. They can be separated from the aircraft and the slide/rafts can be converted to life rafts. The slides may be used as aids to floating but are not intended to be used as free rafts. There is sufficient rated capacity in the slide/rafts and life rafts for all the occupants of the aircraft. If the largest slide/raft cannot be used all the occupants can be accommodated within the overload capacity of the reminder and that of the life raft. Should evacuation be possible on one side of the aircraft only, the available overload capacity of the slide/rafts and the life raft capable of being launched from either side is sufficient for all occupants. The forward left-hand slide/raft pack can be removed from its location, taken through either centre doorway and opened and deployed in this position.

Life Raft & Emergency Pack
The 36 person life raft has an emergency pack stowed within the raft valise. The pack contains rations and other survival equipment. The raft with pack is released from the stowage by use of quick release straps and is launched through either of the aft cabin doorways. (A supplementary emergency pack is located near the raft)

Slide/Raft Emergency Pack
One emergency pack is carried for each of the three slide/rafts and contains rations and other survival equipment for occupants of the appropriate slide/rafts. Each pack contains a canopy for its slide/raft.
These are handheld, battery operated units
Search & Rescue Radio Beacons
Two emergency radio beacons are carried in the passenger cabin for use in the event of forced landing or ditching. Each beacon is a self-buoyant, duel frequency, battery operated, radio distress beacon transmitter
Escape Rope in the Forward Stowage
This rope can be attached to the doorway grab handle at either the forward passenger or service doors. It permits a crew member to descend to the ground in an emergency evacuation when wind conditions limit the normal deployment of slides, some of which can be made usable by ground handling

Emergency Lighting
There are two facilities for control of emergency lighting, a selector on the rear overhead panel. With the LIGHTS EMERG selector at ARM all aircraft emergency lights will come on in the event of a failure of the d.c. essential busbar A. With selector or switch at ON emergency lighting is selected.