Explore the world of Concorde with Heritage Concorde
Gone in 62 Seconds
Heritage Concorde was contacted late 2015 by the author of Gone in 62 Seconds, a fantastic book written by C Gordon-Foxwell.
Gordon offered the entire book for publication on our site so Concorde fans throughout the world could enjoy it for free. There is no doubt the story is written with passion and love for the aircraft.
Thank you Gordon for sharing this work and we hope readers will enjoy the content.
To read the book please click image above
Message from Gordon,
"I have never sought to make money out of my short story. There was a real danger that Concorde would soon be forgotten around the world once she stopped flying, therefore the priority was always to promote the deceased aircraft to as many people as possible and from my experience interest in the subject varies a lot from country to country.
Even when a publishing house in Pittsburgh offered to put 'Gone in Sixty-Two Seconds' into print for me, I didn't take it up."
If you have any interest at all in the world of science and technology, then the short story 'Gone in Sixty-Two Seconds' will hold you spellbound from cover to cover.
Laced with tragedy and obsession, this is a dynamic true story of one mans love affair with Concorde, written in a way never seen before. From the heart.
This account throws away the fact sheets, preferring instead to describe what the feeling is to simply walk along the centre aisle of the aircraft knowing perfectly well that, at that moment in time, you are travelling faster than any other human being alive.
That sort of thing.
You may well go through life without ever flying faster than the speed of sound. Don't miss this unique opportunity to find out exactly what it's like.
C Gordon-Foxwell
Gone in Sixty-Two Seconds

Copyright © C Gordon-Foxwell and speedbirds.com
All rights reserved The text contained within these pages and publication may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the author at cgordonfoxwell@msn.com except in brief for the sole purpose of review.
These pages are run by Heritage Concorde but the content is entirely the Copyright of C Gordon-Foxwell and speedbirds.com