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Can you help support Concorde Museums to survive Covid19
01/04/20 (Written by James Coombe Edit Graham)
As the Covid19 pandemic continues to spread across the globe, organisations from all industries are facing a challenging time during the coming months.
The museum sector is no exception with government enforced closures in place up and down the country meaning much needed admissions revenue is not being received.
Three British museums which house or own Concorde aircraft have launched fundraising campaigns to help them survive the current situation. Aerospace Bristol (Home to G-BOAF) has launched 'Help us Return to Flight', Duxford Aviation Society have launched the "Bruised knuckles of honour" page which asks for Donations whilst Brooklands Museum (Home of G-BBDG) have a #lovebrooklands campaign.
Donations are welcome no matter how big or small and you can find out more about how you can help by visiting the respective websites:
'Even the darkest night is followed by a sunrise' -
Stay safe everyone and be sure to support your local museum once the blue skies return.

New Concorde Model
01/03/20 (Written by James Coombe)
A new Concorde model has recently been launched by Polish manufacturer Cobi.
The recreation of Delta Golf is based on building blocks (think Lego!) and does require assembly. It can be ordered from Cobi direct or can also be purchased from the shop at Brooklands Museum (home of the real life Delta Golf)

Recognition for British Airways Concorde Fleet
01/11/19 (Written by James Coombe)
The British Airways Concorde fleet has been announced as the worthy recipient of the 2019 Honourable Company of Air Pilots 'Brackley Memorial Trophy'.
The Air Pilots’ annual Trophies and Awards are among the industry’s most prestigious because recipients are selected by their peers, who have experience in military and civil aviation around the globe.
British Airways’ supersonic Concorde notched up an impeccable record of operational excellence thanks to the dedication and teamwork of flight and cabin crew, engineering and marketing and sales staff. Since Flight Operations began in January 1976 to the end of service in October 2003, it conducted almost 50,000 flights carrying more than 2.5 million passengers. This incredible feat has been recognised by the Honourable Company of Air Pilots in the 50th year since Concorde’s first flight by the award of the prestigious Brackley Memorial Trophy.
The award was presented at a ceremony at London's Guild Hall on 24th October 2019 and was accepted on behalf of the fleet by John Tye, John Dunlevy and Suzanne Gordon-Wilson.

Concorde Alpha Charlie has windscreen repaired
26/09/19 (Written by James Coombe)
The flagship of the flagships, Alpha Charlie located at Manchester Airport has had a noticeable blemish to her appearance for the last few years. The shattered co pilots windscreen has been instantly noticeable to all who visit the flight deck on a Concorde tour.
We are pleased to report that this has now been put right as a Heritage Concorde team have completed the replacement of the damaged windscreen.
The work was made much easier as a result of the completion of our previous project to restore the droop nose on G-BOAC which had to be lowered to allow access to the windsceen.
A season of Memorable Concorde50 Celebrations
20/04/19 (Written by James Coombe)
With April almost coming to an end, The Concorde50 events are all but now successfully concluded.
A fantastic programme of events was delivered by so many of the Concorde museums and Heritage Concorde were lucky to be present at several of them.
One thing that is apparently clear on that back of these events is that the public affection and fascination with this wonderful aircraft is as strong now as it was 16 years ago during her last summer.
Many thousands of people have attended these Concorde50 events across Europe and shared in the celebrations.
The museums did Concorde proud and thanks to social media and global news coverage the aircraft is fresh in the minds of aviation fans the world over.
An overview of the events that took place can be found on our Concorde at 50 Page.

Concorde Alpha Foxtrot's Nose is Restored
21/04/19 (Written by James Coombe)
The youngest of the Concorde Fleet, G-BOAF (216) has joined several of her older sisters to become the 4th UK Concorde with a functioning droop nose.
Following several months of hard work by James Cullingham and a team of Volunteers at Aerospace Bristol, Alpha Foxtrot proudly displayed her restored nose to assembled guests at a VIP dinner on 9th April before treating hundreds of fans to a public nose move during events on 13th April 2019.
Huge congratulations are due to the team involved in this project which has also seen the anti collision lights, Taxi Turn lights, Cabin overhead lighting and some of the flight deck lighting restored.
Keep an eye on the Aerospace Bristol website for details on future events involving the nose move.

G-BOAF's nose during one of its first test cycles in February 2019.
Photograph (C) James Cullingham

New Souvenirs to mark 50 Years of Concorde
21/01/19 (Written by James Coombe)
With 2019 bringing the 50th anniversary of Concorde's first flights, several products have been released to commemorate this milestone.
Bookazine's have been released including Supersonic Speedbird, Supersonic Legend and a special feature in the January edition of Aviation News. In France, a new book Concorde, la légende supersonique' will be released to mark the 50th anniversary
Brian Trubshaw's Book 'Concorde The Inside Story' will be re-released to mark the half century and the Bradford Exchange have created an exclusive range in partnership with Spirit of Concorde including clothing and a limited edition watch.
The list of special events for this year is also growing and an update listing can be found on our Concorde at 50 Page.

Heritage Concorde in partnership with The Aviation Society and Manchester RVP Lower the nose on G-BOAC at Manchester
14/01/19 (Written by Graham Cahill)
We have been working towards this since 2012 and are proud to announce the nose on G-BOAC has now been successfully restored, the first public viewing will be on the 2nd March 2019 when members of the public will be invited to have afternoon tea under Concorde with the added bonus of seeing the newly restored nose in operation.
Follow the link below to see how the nose was restored.
This project now means G-BOAC can have her windscreen repaired with the added bonus of ongoing nose moves for visitors

Brooklands kicks off the Golden Jubilee Year by announcing plans for their 'Concorde at 50' Events
06/01/19 (Written by James Coombe)
The year of Concorde's Golden Jubilee is now upon us with 2019 marking the 50th anniversary of Concorde's maiden flights.
The museum is based on the site in Weybridge that contributed more than 30% of every Concorde airframe. Brooklands will host two events, one in March and one in April to commemorate the French & British maiden flights.
Both events will feature a Delta Golf nose move and are likely to attract many key players from across the Concorde community.
Visit the Brooklands website here for more details and to book tickets.
As the other museums announce their events we will list them all together on our Concorde at 50 page.

Duxford Aviation Society Launch the first fully digital Concorde tour app
26/09/18(written by Graham Cahill)
Duxford Aviation Society are leading the way in developing a truly interactive Concorde tour app for Android and Apple phones. The App enables users from all countries to view the unique interior of their Concorde G-AXDN at Duxford.
We certainly think this work is fantastic especially for those unable to go and visit Concorde in the flesh so to speak, the app includes videos and information about each area of this unique Concorde and incorporates several 360 degree images so users can tour the aircraft.
The detail and the quality of the work is A1, Duxford Aviation Society are well known in the museum community for the quality of work they do in preserving their collection of 13 important British aircraft which include Concorde, VC10, Comet and Britannia to name but a few.
The app proves that D.A.S. are not only excellent at restoring aircraft but also at looking to the future to ensure our aviation heritage is shown and continues to be preserved.
Download the app today from Google play or the Apple App Store

A small proportion of the oil donated by ExxonMobil this month displayed nicely in front of G-BBDG at Brooklands.
(Photo by Gordon Roxburgh)

Left :- A ton of M2V arrives on a pallet, one of four expected.
(Photo by Gordon Roxburgh)

Generous donation by ExxonMobil
Details 20/09/18(written by Graham Cahill)
We are pleased to announce that ExxonMobil have donated all remaining stocks of M2V oil to our group of restoration specialists for use on Concorde throughout the world.
The first 1 Ton shipment of a total of around 4 Tons of M2V oil arrived this month. ExxonMobil have picked up the bill for shipment and donated the oil for free, any duties for import will be paid by Heritage Concorde and the oil will be stored at Concorde locations throughout the Country, principally at Brooklands.
This will ensure that all future projects involving hydraulics on Concorde can be carried out using original Concorde oil and it secures the future of existing Concordes with systems that are live.
The first to use the oil was Brooklands G-BBDG with a flush of oil through the system, in the near future we intend to use the oil on G-AXDN which currently operates on replacement oil.
This is great news for the Concorde world and we would like to thank ExxonMobil for their generous contribution to restoration of our aviation heritage.

Concorde G-BOAF at Filton
Aerospace Bristol is a state of the art journey through the history of aviation at Bristol
Photo Copyright Darren Pollard
Aerospace Bristol opens it's doors
Details 01/12/17(written by Graham Cahill)
Aerospace Bristol has opened it's doors to the public and boy does it shine!
I visited the facility personally on the 27th November and I can tell you this is simply fantastic.
Centerpiece Concorde G-BOAF has it's own exhibition space with enough room to walk around the aircraft and view what made Concorde unique.
The display is two tiered and access to the cabin is off the top tier with access lifts for disabled visitors.
The aircraft's interior is in pristine condition and you can smell the leather from the beautiful Conran seats.
It's early days for the museum and as the facility develops improvements will be made to the already impressive displays.
A tour through the history of aviation at Bristol culminates in the climax in the Concorde hall.
G-BOAF is in really good condition and the care that Aerospace bristol will now give her to preserve her for future generations will be second to none.

Doug Newton - BAC Engineer
Photo Copyright Peter Ugle
Doug Newton - BAC Engineer Moves the nose on G-AXDN
Photo Copyright Peter Ugle
Foxie's flyers

Mr Fred Finn (Worlds most travelled man) and
John Dunlevy Ex Concorde Engineer (Heritage Concorde)
Photo Copyright John Dunlevy
Foxie's Filton Flyers visit Duxford
Details 14/8/17(written by Graham Cahill)
In October 2010 Concorde G-BOAF was closed to the public. G-BOAF was renowned for the quality of it's tours with some of the best guides in the country showing visitors around the aircraft.
On 12th of August 2017 the tour guides were re-united at Duxford for a tour of their own. They were welcomed by Duxford Aviation Society (DAS) and Heritage Concorde for full access to G-AXDN first pre production test aircraft. It is planned that tours on G-AXDN at Duxford will be conducted in the future, this will provide valuable revenue for continued preservation of the British Airliner Collection (one of the most important collections in the UK today) and who better to ask to visit than this great team of guides.
Duxford Aviation Society really did roll out the red carpet for these guides who were accompanied by representatives from Brooklands, Heritage Concorde, Mach 2 Magazine, Fred Finn (Worlds most travelled man) and ex BAC engineers who helped build and maintain Concorde prior to service starting.
The Filton team of guides hope to be showing visitors around G-BOAF at Filton when it re opens later this year but in the meantime will be helping Heritage Concorde produce a viable tour for DAS to run at Duxford.
Highlights of the day were full access to the live cockpit on G-AXDN, showing of the work Completed by Heritage Concorde and DAS to restore G-AXDN, a tour of the aircraft, a nose move which some of the guides and ex engineers were allowed to operate, and full access to the rest of the collection at Duxford.
What a fantastic day for a fantastic team
Kind Donation
Details 4/4/17(written by Graham Cahill)
I would like to personally thank the team at Musée Delta for the kind donation of the Captains Clock for G-AXDN at Duxford. The Captains clock has been missing from the display at Duxford for 40 Years since the aircraft arrived at Duxford in 1977, replaced by a photo and the only completely missing instrument inside this cockpit.
The duplicate clock which was hand crafted by an associate of Musée Delta and donated to Duxford by our friends in Athis-mons shows that Anglo-French co-operation still goes on today in restoring Concorde.
I installed the clock yesterday at Duxford and it looks fantastic!!
Musée Delta has been painstakingly restoring the cockpit on F-WTSA which is G-AXDN's brother.
The work the museum is doing is simply stunning and we are glad they could help us with the restoration of G-AXDN.

Chairman David Hands accepting the donation

The captains clock is missing, replaced by a photo

Comparison between what was fitted and how it is now

Chairman David Hands accepting the donation

Image left is of F-WTSA from a similar angle to that above of
G-AXDN, Musée delta should be proud of the work they have done on the aircraft.
Photograph copyright Musée Delta
Click above to see more on the restoration of F-WTSA at Athis-Mons

Aerospace Bristol is one step closer to completion - Updated
Updated 9/2/17(written by Graham Cahill)
Concorde G-BOAF has now been handed over to Aerospace Bristol and she now resides inside her purpose built hanger at the former Filton Airfield. She was towed across the airfield by Airbus today, the move went smoothly and to plan. The rear of the hanger will now be sealed up in preparation for the opening of the museum later this year
Details 22/10/16 (written by Graham Cahill)
It's hat's off to the team down at Aerospace Bristol who are delivering a most excellent aerospace center.
Work is progressing at Mach speed to deliver the aerospace center at the heart of the former Filton airport.
The new center will tell the story of aviation at Bristol and Concorde G-BOAF will be the main attraction, Concorde will be housed in a state of the art newly built hanger with learning areas and conference facilities.
The long awaited Aerospace Bristol is due to open summer 2017.
Concorde G-BOAF was the last Concorde to be constructed and the last Concorde to fly once the fleet was retired in 2003. Filton was the home of Concorde construction in the 1960's and 1970's so it is fitting that such a state of the art exhibition be based in Bristol
For more information please follow the links below.

Beautiful sight
The Captains and Jodie Kidd

James Cullingham of Brooklands restoration

Jodi Kidd takes in the view
Nose project at Brooklands a complete success
Details 27/07/16 (written by Graham Cahill)
The iconic nose on Concorde G-BBDG was successfully lowered this Tuesday on the 10th anniversary of the aircraft opening to the public at Brooklands. The success of this project is entirely down to the efforts and dedication of the Brooklands restoration team.
Special Guest Jodie Kidd operated the nose for the first time next to James Cullingham who headed the restoration project.
Heritage Concorde was kindly invited by Brooklands to see the event which went completely to plan, the nose operated smoothly to a large appreciative crowd of ex Concorde engineers, flight crew, restoration specialists and enthusiasts. The equipment used at Brooklands is similar to that used at Duxford to power the nose down and was supplied again by Hydraulics Online Ltd
When we asked what was next at Brooklands the reply was that they need to get the collection (including Concorde) undercover.
Fundraising for a large hanger is underway right now and you can donate to the cause by following the link below
A VERY big well done to Brooklands Museum!

Concorde G-BBDG Following restoration

The Concorde Sim

Stored at Filton before restoration
Concorde at Brooklands to lower her nose
Details 23/07/16 (written by Graham Cahill)
Concorde G-BBDG will become a little more interesting on Tuesday 26th July. Her nose has been restored by the dedicated team of engineers at Brooklands Museum. Currently only two Concorde have the ability to lower the iconic nose.
This Tuesday will see Concorde G-BBDG become the third in the world to demonstrate this unique feature.
To see the nose lower for the first time at Brooklands on Tuesday simply pay general admission to the museum on the gate and make sure you are there between 11.30 and 1.00 pm. It's going to be a fantastic day!!
The restoration team at Brooklands have worked nothing short of miracles to restore Concorde G-BBDG which was part of the development aircraft used to fine tune the Concorde design. The aircraft was stored at Filton for many years and used as a source of spare parts for the flying fleet. Upon retirement G-BBDG was moved in several pieces by road to Brooklands and has been painstakingly restored since her arrival.
Brooklands museum offer some of the best tours on Concorde and has the only currently working Concorde simulator in the world today.
Well done Brooklands!
If you can't be there for the event we will keep you updated with photo's in the coming weeks

Exciting new Concorde community magazine launched
Details 17/04/16 (written by Graham Cahill)
The Concorde fan and enthusiast community now has an exciting new magazine dedicated to our wonderful aircraft. Katie John and Nigel Ferris have put together a new and exciting quarterly magazine that will keep the apetite of even the hard core fan satified, to read the current issue please follow the link below. Heritage Concorde fully supports this publication and wishes Katie and Nigel every success in this important addition to the Concorde community.

Concorde G-BOAG Goes undercover
Details 24/03/16 (written by Graham Cahill)
Concorde G-BOAG went undercover last week in Seattle, G-BOAG arrived in Seattle 05/11/2003 and has been outside on display following decommissioning, on her final flight Alpha Golf set a New York to Seattle speed record of 3 hours, 55 minutes, and 12 seconds.
We are pleased to see her undercover, she will now get some TLC from the museum and be ready for display later this year.

Concorde celebrates the 40th anniversary of commercial flights today
Details 21/01/16 (written by Graham Cahill)
Concorde took off on its first commercial flight 40 years ago making the world a smaller place. See the ITV report on our beautiful creation by following this link
Report features Brooklands Museum, Mike Bannister Chief Concorde Pilot and Chairman of Save Concorde Group Ben Lord

The new Aviation Center will be state of the art

The Concorde Hanger will form part of a Center for aviation excellence
Public Donations opened for the final part of fundraising at Filton - DONATE NOW!
Details 04/01/16 (written by Graham Cahill)
Concorde G-BOAF will have a new home by Summer 2017, most of the money for the new museum is now in the bank and work has started on the restoration of the grade 2 listed buildings on the former site at Filton.
Heritage Concorde was told today that plans are on track as predicted when we met BACT back in 2012 (see story lower down)
It is planned that ground will be broken this summer on the new hanger for Concorde which was the last Concorde to fly in the world.
In addition Concorde G-BOAF will be moved to it's new location autumn to early winter in preparation for the museum to open it's doors next year.
BACT are currently working hard to ensure the launch which will bring a state of the art exhibition to Bristol goes to plan.
The new aviation center will boast state of the art displays and exhibits which will tell the full story of Bristol aviation and encourage younger generations to become involved in the aviation industry.
To help support this exciting and innovative new aviation center click the donate link below.
The public part of the fundraising effort is now open click to support and share far and wide

Andre Turcat sadly passes away
Details 5/01/16 (written by Graham Cahill)
I was greatly saddened to hear of the loss of André Turcat today, on behalf of the team at Heritage Concorde I would like to pass our condolences to his family.André was a true pioneer of aviation, a test pilot. The phrase test pilot in recent times is certainly not the same as it was back in Concorde times, these men were truly brave, passing barriers not previously explored by man, this is why you see the Prototypes and Pre Production aircraft fitted with escape hatches for the crew. Would you do a job that could result in you having to bail out of an aircraft at Mach 2 60,000 feet? for these brave engineers and pilots it was a possibility! Hat's off and respect to the pioneers of aviation they are true mentors to us today.

G-BOAB is moved under tow to the Paint shop
Concorde G-BOAB at Heathrow get's some TLC
Details 15/11/15 (written by Graham Cahill)
Concorde at Heathrow was recently moved from her spot to the paint bay by BA for some TLC. This air frame has long been on our airframes at risk page and at one time it was said that she could be scrapped.
Heritage Concorde has long known the interior of BOAB is extremely damp, this is caused by stacks of old in flight magazines holding water content which has caused a contiuous cycle of evaporation and condensation inside the sealed cabin. During 2014 the remainder of her cockpit instrumentation was removed and stored safely in an effort to preserve what is left.
British Airways have not officially announced what they inend to do with her however it has become apparent that she will have the in flight magazines removed and will recieve some much needed TLC including some paint.
It is hoped that BA will use this rare and valuable piece of aviation history in a new aviation/education exhibit at Heathrow.
For now it is nice to see her getting some attention and that an attempt to resolve at least some of the issues this air frame has is being made by BA.
We will keep you posted

Jack Allen Museum Relaunches Campaign to save the 1:2 model from Times Square
Details 28/10/15 (written by Graham Cahill)
Heritage Concorde has been urgently contacted by the Jack Allen Museum in an attempt to save the 50% model from Times Square.
We ran a news story in July (Below) that the model is at risk of being scrapped, Jack Allen Museum desperately need to raise the funds to move the model and display it in New Jersey U.S.A.
We are keen to save the model and Jack Allen Museum have started a new campaign in an attempt to stop the model from being crushed and scrapped.
Please help, for further detail use the buttons below.
Many thanks
Heritage Concorde & Jack Allen Museum.

Above; 14 Instuments donated by Brooklands Museum for the restoration of the Cockpit in F-WTSA
Le-Bourget Group photo (photo James Cullingham Brooklands Museum)

Heritage Concorde Visits France
Details 23/10/15 (written by Graham Cahill)
Heritage Concorde members visited Paris this week to go and see three Concorde airframes, along with Heritage Concorde were representatives from Brooklands, Manchester and Duxford Aviation Society. The visit was arranged by DAS and the group were welcomed by representatives from Athes-Mons near Orly and Le-Borget in Paris.
The two day visit enabled the group to visit F-WTSA, F-BTSD and F-WTSS, in addition we saw F-BVFF (in passing) which is currently displayed at Charles De Gaulle airport.
The visit was a complete success and we had opportunity to share engineering knowledge and suggestions for the future of Concorde. In addition Brooklands Museum donated 14 instuments for the restoration of the cockpit in F-WTSA.
Heritage Concorde and Brooklands are keen to increase Anglo-French co operation in the preservation of the remaining Concorde airframes and the visit was the first step in this co operation.
The whole group at Athes-Mons (photo James Cullingham Brooklands Museum)

F-WTSA The future is bright

F-WTSA Before restoration (3 years ago)

F-WTSA Following restoration (Now)

Please follow the link to view more restoration images for this aircraft (external site). The website will be translated into English in the coming months
Great news for F-WTSA!
Details 07/08/15 (written by Graham Cahill)
I had the great pleasure yesterday of meeting the restoration expert who looks after F-WTSA in Orly. Plans to re open the museum that was closed some years ago are now coming to fruition. The new museum will star Concorde F-WTSA which was the fourth Concorde aircraft to be built.
F-WTSA (Pre Production 102) is the brother of G-AXDN and was the first Concorde to have the full length tail and new bucket configuration.
Louis Poiret who is in charge of the restoration of Concorde and the other exhibits says
"The area were the plane is located is safe, we now have a fence around the museum. The Caravelle is in the airport area for training of the firefighters ... But we still hope to see her again in the museum and we have started to negotiate with Orly airport authorities.
We are reassembling two Mirage and we also have new facilities."
This is fantastic news for Concorde F-WTSA and the town of Orly, this airframe can now be removed from our "airframes at risk page", We look forward to the new museum opening in September 2015
We will keep you updated on the progress.
F-WTSA Entrance

Airbus files patent for son of Concorde
Details 04/08/15
According to documents filed with the US Patents Office, the new super jet would fly from London to New York in just one hour.
Dubbed the 'son of Concorde', it would be capable of reaching four times the speed of sound - or 2,500 mph.
That means a flight from London to New York would take just one hour - roughly the same as a train journey from London to Brighton in Sussex.
Airbus says the new aircraft would primarily be for "business travel and VIP passengers, who require transcontinental return journeys within one day”.

Bristol Aero Collection Trust Planning Consent
Details 21/07/15
The 17 million pound Aerospace center is one step closer to opening it's doors in 2017 with the announcement that planning permission has been granted.
A new home for the last Concorde to fly will open in 2017. Public donations will open soon.

Attempt to save Times Square model is launched
Details 21/07/15
This is an important funding appeal for the Concorde model that was displayed at Times Square, NY.
The Cradle of Aviation Museum has generously offered the model as a donation to the Jack Allen Memorial Early Country Living Museum
The museum has a great history, but relies solely on donations. They need to generate $10,000 in order to move the model to its new location otherwise it could be scrapped.
Heritage Concorde has contacted the Jack Allen museum and fully support the cause.
Breakdown of costs for saving the model are as follows;
$5,000.00 for trucking co hauling expenses and all necessary permits. (£3213)
$1,000.00 to dismantle the model on site and load securely on trucks. (£642)
$2,000.00 for reassembly, crane, and concrete foundation (£1285)
$2,000.00 for purchase of rewards, shipping, fees and advertising materials. (£1285)
exchange rates calculated today (21/07/15)

F-BVFC moved for a re-paint
Details 19/06/15
F-BVFC at Toulouse was today moved to the Airbus workshops to be re painted in Air France Livery
"It will be repainted in the colors of Air France , since its last refurbishment date there fifteen years ago, Airbus will also take the opportunity to repair the right rear wing that was damaged by a truck during the inauguration of the museum , "said Jacques Rocca , of" Airbus Heritage ".
This is great news and will further enhance the display at Aeroscopia in France, well done Aeroscopia!
Update on this story
Details 08/07/15
The repair and re paint of F-BVFC has now been completed, the result is stunning!
Click the button below to see images released by Airbus on the restoration work.

Photograph courtesy Simon Clarkson - http://www.justtaken.co.uk/
G-BOAB moved to BA engineering
Details 05/06/15
G-BOAB was moved this week to BA enginneering for the BA family day, we have been told that she will be cleaned and polished at Heathrow for this very special event. Heritage Concorde is pleased to see British Airways giving Concorde at Heathrow such good treatment.
G-BOAB has been stored at Heathrow since the fleet's retirement in 2003, Only 20 Concorde airframes were made and only 18 survive to this day, we recognise British Airways efforts to preserve Concorde which was the flagship aircraft of it's fleet.
It is hoped in the Concorde community that a more permanent home be found for this historic and important aircraft at Heathrow.
Until G-BOAB's future can be secured she remains on our Airframes at risk page.

Aeroscopia - Museum opens it's doors
Visit two Concorde in one place at Aeroscopia Toulouse, this long awaited museum is now open.
Heritage Concorde visited the museum in March 2015 please follow the link below for further infomation on this exciting new museum.

Concorde G-BOAG in Seattle is moved
Concorde G-BOAG was moved to a new position at the museum of flight the other day (January 2014)
You could have been mistaken for thinking this was a winter day at Heathrow Airport! Today British AirwaysConcorde AG is towed to a new position at Museum of Flight, Seattle. It's fantastic to see the Rocket turning her own Michelin boots and news this Concorde will soon be under cover.
Photo Copyright Jennifer Schuld (Story by Darren Pollard)

Concorde at Filton Aerospace Center one step closer
BACT at Filton has won a £4.7million Lottery grant to create an aerospace centre that will tell the story of the birthplace of British aviation history and the development of Concorde.
Plans for a new aerospace centre and home for Concorde at Filton airfield have been awarded nearly £4.7m from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Follow these links for further detail

Heritage Concorde Lowers G-AXDN's nose. The first since 2003
Heritage Concorde team members have been working for the last 18 months to lower the nose on G-AXDN at Duxford.
The team has been successful in making Concorde G-AXDN's nose lower by use of Hydraulics, we attended a launch event arranged by Duxford aviation society to announce to the world that the UK has the first moving nose since Concordes retirement in 2003
Follow this link for further detail

Brooklands work on lowering G-BBDG nose.
Brooklands engineers are working on G-BBDG at Brooklands to lower the nose of the aircraft.
Currently the nose has no operating components, Actuators or electrics because the nose was stripped by BA during G-BBDG's storage at Filton, Bristol
The nose will be completely restored to working condition by the restoration team at Brooklands
As things progress we will keep you informed

Heritage Concorde does it again
Heritage Concorde engineers have been working in secret on Concorde
G-AXDN. The engineers have returned the cockpit of G-AXDN to light even the audio warning system is now working. The engineers are now working on making G-AXDN the first UK owned Concorde to move it's nose since 2003. The only other museum in the world that can currently do this is Le Bourget in France.
Follow this link for more detail

Brooklands Museum secures Heritage Lottery Fund support
Brooklands Museum has received a first-round pass for a £4.85million bid from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for the Brooklands Aircraft Factory & Race Track Revival Project.
Follow this link for more detail

Heritage Concorde visits Filton
Heritage Concorde team members visited Filton BACT to meet with Lloyd Burnell and his team.
The team went down to see the new plans for the Filton Aviation centre and to see how things are progressing. These are exciting times for G-BOAF at Filton, the aircraft is to be part of a multi million pound project to bring a center of excellence to Bristol.
The new centre will open it's doors during 2017 and will be state of the art. More detail here