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Production Flightdeck Vs Pre Production Flightdeck

Left you can see the flightdeck of G-AXDN 101 the British Pre Production Concorde
Right a similar view of the flightdeck on G-BOAC British Production Concorde

The Pre Production flightdeck was more complicated than the final production version, differences are shown on this page for G-AXDN (101) vs G-BOAC (204), the flightdeck controls and layout were improved each time a new aircraft was built and improvements made during major upgrades, small changes and improvements were made each time, so what is present on G-AXDN (101) may not be present on F-WTSA (102) or vice versa. This page is a general guide for comparison.
For ease of use we have broken the flightdeck down into sections.
Engineers panel - Aft Top panel

This panel was used to control Hydraulics and some of the electrical services on both production and pre-production aircraft, you can see on production the panel layout is far cleaner.
Pre Production (101)

Pre Production (101)

Pre Production (101)

Production (204)

Production (204)
Differences other than cosmetic working from top of panel left to right working down
Hydraulic Management Panel
1. Magnetic indicators on Green and Blue off position switch removed for production.
2. Air Compressor select position moved
3. Addition of Hydraulic temp gauge on production
4. Addition of Hydraulic Temp selector switch for all 3 hydraulic systems
5. Addition of Shut indicators for Green and Blue hydraulic systems
6. Addition of Yellow pumps norm/manual selection switch
Electrical Generating Control
No changes made other than cosmetic
For more information on these panels follow the links below

Production (204)

Differences other than cosmetic working from top of panel left to right working down
Electrical Generating Control Bottom Panel
No significant changes made other than at the very bottom of the panel illustrated below not shown in the pre production image to the left
1. On Production Lights test switches were changed with Dim facility
2. The addition of a Master warning System Cancel button
3. The addition of a water heaters control switch
4. The addition of switches to control power to the Galleys
Engineers panel Mid Aft
This panel has had several configurations but on production it contains the nozzle override and temperature gauge.
On Pre Production the panel was used for test and indication of the Air Data Systems and the fuel Pressure Gauge was located here.Other configurations had the radiation detector gauge located here.
Engineers panel - Aft Leg panel

A large chunk of this panel is used for heated suits and oxygen indication on Pre Production, once test flying was over there was no need for some of these systems so they were removed and the left hand side of the panel was redesigned almost completely.
For further detail about how this panel was used please follow the links below
Production (204)
Pre Production (101)

Differences other than cosmetic working from top of panel left to right working down
Aft Leg Engineers panel
1. Air ventilated suit control system on Pre Production was removed and replaced by the aircraft integrated data system panel
2. 1 x Audio control was removed and replaced by AFCS monitor control panel on production
3. Oxygen system indication was re designed and moved and observers oxygen indication removed and a passenger supply indicator added
4. Compass control panel was added on Production
5. Cockpit voice recorder control panel was added on Production (Microphone was on the roof panel)
6. Radiation meter was removed from this panel on Production
7. Secondary Air Door monitor panel was added in production
Engineers panel - Middle top panel

This panel is divided up into subsections Temperature control, Air Bleed control, Equipment bay cooling, some fuel management, for the purposes of easy illustration on this page we will break down the panel into easily digestible sections.
For more information about this panel follow the links below
Pre Production (101)

Pre Production (101)

Pre Production (101)

Production (204)

Differences other than cosmetic working from top of panel left to right working down
Center panel top Aft Temperature Control
No none cosmetic changes
Production (204)

Center panel top Fwd Air Bleed Control
1. Boost position added to all 4 COND VALVE switches.
2. Temperature gauges added to Production for each duct
Production (204)

Equipment bay cooling and Tanks 9 & 10 Fuel
1. Fan Captions swapped for MI's
2. Some equipment cooling systems removed on production due to less test equipment.
3. Mass flow gauge added to show flow value
4. Ground fuel MI added
5. Fuel panel de air switch added with MI
6. 3 way selector switches position of selection changed
Pre Production (101)

Production (204)

Fuel Temp & Jettison
1. Trans valves MI's removed for fuel jettison
2. Jettison master valve switch configuration changed to bypass trans valves
3. Trim pipe drain MI added to show LH and RH
Engineers panel - Middle Bottom panel

This panel is the Fuel management panel and was used for center of gravity control, moving fuel around the tanks and jettison, again this panel is broken down into manageable small sections for the purposes of illustration on this page due to the quantity of changes made.
Further information on this panel can be found by clicking the link below
Pre Production (101)

Pre Production (101)

Pre Production (101)

Production (204)

Production (204)

Production (204)

Panel Location

Fuel Contol (Section 1)
1. Main override switches on pre production configuration changed
2. C of G instrument moved to this panel replaces Zero Fuel weight control
3. Addition of trans valve MI and reconfiguration of inlet MI
4. Addition of switch separator on engine feed switch panel
Panel Location

Fuel Contol (Section 2)
1. Removal of lights test button and FQI Test system
2. Re location of C of G instrument to section 1 illustration above
3. Re location of total contents
4. Replacement & relocation of fuel remaining gauge
5. Installation of FQI/CG instrument more automated system
Panel Location

Fuel Contol (Section 3)
1. Main override switches on pre production configuration changed
2. Addition of trans valve MI and reconfiguration of inlet MI
4. Addition of switch separator on engine feed switch panel
This panel is the mirror image of the panel illustrated above (Fuel control section 1)
Pre Production (101)

Production (204)

Panel Location

Fuel Contol (Section 3)
1. Indicator added to all 4 LP valve switches
2. Replacement of all 4 Fuel consumed instruments for digital
3. Re configuration of Jettison and de air panel with addition of a further Low pressure caption