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Return to Light - Engineers notes
Project return to light – Maintenance File for aircraft AXDN at DAS Duxford
In attendance Graham Cahill, John Dunlevy, Ian Mosdell, Gaute Lund
10am Meeting with David Garside and Chris Giles to discuss work in the cockpit to return the instrument lighting to working order
11.30am John Dunlevy and Ian Mosdell began the detailed and comprehensive inspection of the circuitry and contactors associated with the main aircraft batteries DC supply, specifically Bus Bars, 1PP, 2PP, 3PP and 4PP, together with the Essential Main Split Components.
Individual connectors on the instrument panels were removed to check for corrosion and overall condition. Wiring, pins and connectors found to be in excellent condition.
John Dunlevy applies power to the 28volt circuits upon completion of the inspection with all breakers out. Individual breakers are pressed to close and results monitored as progress is made.
28 volt systems are found to be in excellent condition with just a few filaments out, John replaces some lamps and they light. More spares required for next visit
A full survey of the aircraft instruments is completed and we find the following.
Both Machmeters are missing, both ASI units are missing, both sideslips are missing, both VSI’s are missing, the ADI on the co pilots side is not pre production and is possibly from another aircraft, the clock is missing from the pilots side.
Engineers panel is largely intact however the Discharge vent guage is missing and the Cabin diff pressure is missing.
Job Status - 28Volt applied require 10 replacement filaments happy with condition for us to continue. Museum happy with progress
Discuss with team how to progress in illuminating the instrument lights
Heritage Concorde orders 3 x 5volt PSU’s for donation to the museum
Meeting 10am in attendance Graham Cahill, John Dunlevy, Gaute Lund, and David Garside.
Discuss if DAS happy to progress – Answer is Yes.
Discussion about replacing lighting transformers for 5v PSU and museum is happy to continue as long as it is done safely and with H&S in mind and with the preservation of original components in mind.
10.45 John Graham and Gaute attend the aircraft and John removes the engineers document stowage panel to gain access to the lighting transformers. With difficulty he gains access and removes them to inspect. He removes much of the engineers panel and inspects the connectors to most of the instruments, cleaning the connectors with electrical spray. The 5 volt power supply is connected to the first transformer output connectors and the instrument lights to the right hand side of the engineers panel illuminate, the upper centre console also illuminates.
John removes the power supply and stores the original transformers for re fitting next visit.
Job Status -
28Volt applied Job Complete
require 10 replacement 28v filaments
5 volt working ok to RHS engineers panel and overhead panel final connection required
Re fitting of original transformers required
Meeting 10am in attendance Graham Cahill, John Dunlevy and David Garside
DAS is happy for us to continue
10.30 John and Graham attend the aircraft and John makes a suitable wiring loom for the lights on the entire engineers panel, John replaces the original transformers removed on our last visit and connects the 115v cables so if in future power is applied no problems occur. John tests the engineers panel individually all circuits are working and the instruments illuminate
John asks Graham to try and locate the transformers for the centre console these are located and the side panels are removed and temporarily replaced for our next visit
John disconnects the 5v power supply and removes it from site we are ready to permanently connect the 5volt at our next visit.
Job Status -
28Volt applied Job Complete
Re fitting of original transformers Job complete
require 10 replacement 28v filaments
5 volt working ok to entire engineers panel and overhead panel final connection to PSU required
Centre console transformers require connection to PSU
10am meeting in attendance Graham Cahill, John Dunlevy David Garside, Discussion and update on progress we request that a bracket be made to hold PSU’s in place David says they will construct one DAS is happy for us to continue work
10:30 Work resumes John completes the wiring for the engineers panel and routes the wires neatly, Graham under Johns supervision removes the output wires from the two transformers within the centre console that power the LH and RH pilots instrument panels and prepares them for John to connect to transformer
John confirms the engineers panel is safe and connects the PSU to the instruments and GND on the aircraft, the bracket for the PSU’s is fitted and one PSU is in place ready for use.
The automonitor is not illuminating and the rate of climb instument has failed, John investigates the ROC and finds the filament has failed, we will investigate the Automonitor next visit.
Job Status -
28Volt applied Job Complete
Re fitting of original transformers Job complete
Require 10 replacement 28v filaments
5 volt working ok to entire engineers panel and overhead panel final connection to PSU Job complete
Pilot and Co pilot transformer connections require connection to PSU
Investigate Automonitor
Replace ROC filament
10am meeting in attendance Graham Cahill, John Dunlevy Phil Cairns, David Garside
DAS is happy for us to continue work we request that DAS install permanent sockets in the cockpit to enable DAS to simply switch on the lights when required, DAS say they will arrange it.
10:45 We attend the aircraft John continues to work in the cockpit and connects the pilot and co pilot instruments to the second power supply, we find that many of the instruments do not light, John investigates further and finds most of the instruments are unplugged so he spends the rest of the day cleaning and plugging them back in where possible. We remove the Autopilot controller (autopilot) to find the last transformer and locate it on the RHS of the AFCS rack, the Autopilot controller is replaced ready for next time . We take inventory of missing instruments and add them to the list.
Job Status -
28Volt applied Job Complete
Re fitting of original transformers Job complete
Require 10 replacement 28v filaments
5 volt working ok to entire engineers panel and overhead panel final connection to PSU Job complete
Pilot and Co pilot transformer connections require final connection to PSU
Investigate Automonitor
Replace ROC filament
Centre console transformer connections requires connection to PSU
Sockets required to be fitted by DAS
Mach meter x 2 missing
ASI x2 Missing
VSI x 2 Missing
Icovol incorrect for aircraft
Sideslip x 2 missing
Co pilots ADI incorrect for aircraft
Pilots clock missing
Pressurisation controller gauge on engineers panel is missing
Discharge vent gauge missing on engineers panel
Meeting in attendance John Dunlevy, Ian Mosdell, David Garside
Graham Cahill joins later due to traffic congestion. DAS is happy to continue, installing the permanent sockets for the lighting is more compliucated than anticipated however it will be done as soon as possible
John investigates the automonitor and finds it is unplugged and the connectors are hanging behind the bracket, upon further investigation the automonitor is found to be incorrect for the aircraft so we will need to adapt it or replace it further investigation is required.
The Autopilot controller and ADI are removed to gain access to the last transformer John manages to disconnect the wires and makes a wiring loom for all three transformers to go back to the engineers panel where the PSU’s will be situated. The lights are tested and most are working. John removes the nose selector switch and cleans both the pins and connectors then replaces it.
Job Status -
28Volt applied Job Complete
Re fitting of original transformers Job complete
Require 10 replacement 28v filaments
5 volt working ok to entire engineers panel and overhead panel final connection to PSU Job complete
Pilot and Co pilot transformer connections require final connection to PSU Job Complete
Investigate Automonitor
Replace ROC filament
Centre console transformer connections requires connection to PSU Job Complete
Sockets required to be fitted by DAS
Mach meter x 2 missing
ASI x2 Missing
VSI x 2 Missing
Icovol incorrect for aircraft
Sideslip x 2 missing
Co pilots ADI incorrect for aircraft
Pilots clock missing
Pressurisation controller gauge on engineers panel is missing
Discharge vent gauge missing on engineers panel
Meeting in attendance Graham Cahill, John Dunlevy, Gaute Lund, David Garside. DAS are happy to continue and we discuss how to proceed.
John fits the following instruments to the aircraft, these are obtained from the monitor station in the rear of the aircraft, 1x Machmeter to Pilots side. 1 x VSI to pilots side, 1 x side slip to pilots side. 1x side slip to co pilots side. all are checked prior to fitting to ensure part numbers a re correct. The icovol is swapped for the one in the monitor station as it is correct for the cockpit and the ROC instrument is swapped and fitted to the engineers panel. We tested the automonitor using a wiring loom and found it to be faulty so this was still outstanding. We found the ground connection to the new PSU’s was inadequate so we disabled the PSU’s and added it to our jobs to do list
Job Status -
28Volt applied Job Complete
Re fitting of original transformers Job complete
Require 10 replacement 28v filaments
5 volt working ok to entire engineers panel and overhead panel final connection to PSU Job complete
Pilot and Co pilot transformer connections require final connection to PSU Job Complete
Investigate Automonitor
Replace ROC filament Job complete
Centre console transformer connections requires connection to PSU Job Complete
Sockets required to be fitted by DAS
Mach meter x 1 missing Dummy required
Mach meter x 1 replaced Job complete
ASI x2 Missing Dummy’s required
VSI x 1 Missing Dummy required
VSI Replaced Job complete
Icovol incorrect for aircraft Job complete
Sideslip x 2 missing Job complete
Co pilots ADI incorrect for aircraft
Side slip x 2 dummies required for monitor station
Pilots clock missing
Pressurisation controller gauge on engineers panel is missing
Discharge vent gauge missing on engineers panel
Gnd Connection inadequate
Meeting 10am In attendance Graham Cahill, John Dunlevy, Chris Giles. DAS are happy to continue
John Dunlevy connects extra ground connections to the aircraft and makes sure it is adequate for the ampage drawn. We run the lighting for 5 continuous hours and check wiring loom for hot spots, there are none. We continue by replacing panels and screws which we removed for access to the various areas. We remove the stick on labels which say “in op” off the instruments which improves the display again. (The intake control system had been made non-operational for the flight into Duxford and Inoperative stickers (INOP) covered the relative Ramp and Spill Door indicators/captions.)
We apply the 28 volt power to the aircraft for the last hour to ensure no problems occur.
Job Status -
28Volt applied Job Complete
Re fitting of original transformers Job complete
Require 10 replacement 28v filaments
5 volt working ok to entire engineers panel and overhead panel final connection to PSU Job complete
Pilot and Co pilot transformer connections require final connection to PSU Job Complete
Investigate Automonitor
Replace ROC filament Job complete
Centre console transformer connections requires connection to PSU Job Complete
Sockets required to be fitted by DAS
Mach meter x 1 missing Dummy required
Mach meter x 1 replaced Job complete
ASI x2 Missing Dummy’s required
VSI x 1 Missing Dummy required
VSI Replaced Job complete
Icovol incorrect for aircraft Job complete
Sideslip x 2 missing Job complete
Co pilots ADI incorrect for aircraft
Side slip x 2 dummies required for monitor station
Pilots clock missing
Pressurisation controller gauge on engineers panel is missing
Discharge vent gauge missing on engineers panel
Gnd Connection inadequate Job complete
Meeting 10am in attendance Graham Cahill, John Dunlevy, Ian Mosdell, David Garside, Chris Giles. DAS are happy to continue and we discuss the status of the jobs
10.45 We attend the aircraft.
We have obtained through donation from one of our engineers an original Production Concorde ASI and the correct automonitor for this aircraft among other spares.
John fits the ASI to the Pilots side of the aircraft and constructs a wiring loom to accommodate it, it works fine. He then removes the brackets for the automonitor and asks Chris Giles (DAS) to remove the side brackets which adapt it for the incorrect one. Chris returns with the bracket correctly changed and the bracket and automonitor are fitted, it works fine.
We spend the rest of the day fitting as many screws to the aircraft as possible to make the cockpit complete. The Co Pilots ADI is removed and taken away so we can return the next day with it prepared for power.
No meeting this morning we go straight to the aircraft to work.
We fit the ADI which is now ready for the Co pilots side and it works. John Applies 28 volt power to the aircraft and replaces 10 to 15 filaments in the captions, some do not illuminate we think this is a bulb holder issue however most are fine. John spends the rest of the day neatening up the wiring looms and preparing the aircraft for display.
Job Status -
28Volt applied Job Complete
Re fitting of original transformers Job complete
Require 10 replacement 28v filaments Job complete
5 volt working ok to entire engineers panel and overhead panel final connection to PSU Job complete
Pilot and Co pilot transformer connections require final connection to PSU Job Complete
Investigate Automonitor Job complete
Replace ROC filament Job complete
Centre console transformer connections requires connection to PSU Job Complete
Sockets required to be fitted by DAS
Mach meter x 1 missing Dummy required
Mach meter x 1 replaced Job complete
ASI x1 Missing Dummy’s required
Original ASI requires fitting Job complete
VSI x 1 Missing Dummy required
VSI Replaced Job complete
Icovol incorrect for aircraft Job complete
Sideslip x 2 missing Job complete
Co pilots ADI incorrect for aircraft (wired to illuminate) Job complete
Side slip x 2 dummies required for monitor station
Pilots clock missing
Pressurisation controller gauge on engineers panel is missing
Discharge vent gauge missing on engineers panel
Gnd Connection inadequate Job complete
Graham constructs the dummies required for replacement of instruments removed from monitor station and put in cockpit as follows
Sideslip x 2
Machmeter x 1
Graham Constructs illuminating models of the following instruments for the Co pilots side to replace the pictures as follows
Mach Meter x 1
VSI x 1
Graham orders ASI from the USA which looks like the ASI in Concorde, the ASI is marked “NOT A CONCORDE INSTRUMENT” so in the future it will not be confused as original.
We arrive at 10am we meet with David Garside and he is happy for us to continue.
John Dunlevy and Graham Cahill attend the aircraft
Graham removes the two Perspex panels on the monitor station and fits three dummies which we have constructed during our absence, we do not have enough screws to fill all the holes in the dummies but two in each will do until more can be found.
John fits a Discharge vent gauge and a pressurisation controller gauge to the engineer’s panel which we have obtained on loan from Brooklands
John then fits the ASI using a special wiring loom.
All the instruments light fine
The dummy illuminating Mach Meter and the Dummy illuminating VSI are fitted to the aircraft using a specially constructed wiring loom.
They work fine
John extends the power supply leads so DAS can make a cover for the footwell of the engineers position
The Icovol does not illuminate, this has been an ongoing problem and we add it to the job list for next visit
Job Status -
28Volt applied Job Complete
Re fitting of original transformers Job complete
Require 10 replacement 28v filaments Job complete
5 volt working ok to entire engineers panel and overhead panel final connection to PSU Job complete
Pilot and Co pilot transformer connections require final connection to PSU Job Complete
Investigate Automonitor Job complete
Replace ROC filament Job complete
Centre console transformer connections requires connection to PSU Job Complete
Sockets required to be fitted by DAS Job complete
Mach meter x 1 missing Dummy required Job complete
Mach meter x 1 replaced Job complete
ASI x1 Missing Dummy’s required Job complete
Original ASI requires fitting Job complete
VSI x 1 Missing Dummy required Job complete
VSI Replaced Job complete
Icovol incorrect for aircraft Job complete
Sideslip x 2 missing Job complete
Co pilots ADI incorrect for aircraft (wired to illuminate) Job complete
Side slip x 2 dummies required for monitor station Job complete
Pilots clock missing No spares available
Pressurisation controller gauge on engineers panel is missing Job complete
Discharge vent gauge missing on engineers panel Job complete
Gnd Connection inadequate Job complete
Icovol not illuminating
We have now completed the entire job except for the Icovol which we will return to fix next time we are down
Interim work visit
DAS supply a new power supply which will protect the aircraft by cutting out if there is a problem the spec is 28v, 1Kw Protected Power supply similar to the 5 v one fitted earlier in the project.
The power supply is tested (PAT) and fitted in place of the transformer. It works fine and will allow safe operation of the 28v supply.
John Dunlevy removes the Icovol from the cockpit and swaps it back with the one in the monitor station, he then designs a wiring loom so the Icovol in the cockpit can be illuminated. it is fitted and it works fine.
John investigated the AWS and MWS and finds it is still operable he commissions the system and it works fine.
Job Status -
28Volt applied Job Complete
Re fitting of original transformers Job complete
Require 10 replacement 28v filaments Job complete
5 volt working ok to entire engineers panel and overhead panel final connection to PSU Job complete
Pilot and Co pilot transformer connections require final connection to PSU Job Complete
Investigate Automonitor Job complete
Replace ROC filament Job complete
Centre console transformer connections requires connection to PSU Job Complete
Sockets required to be fitted by DAS Job complete
Mach meter x 1 missing Dummy required Job complete
Mach meter x 1 replaced Job complete
ASI x1 Missing Dummy’s required Job complete
Original ASI requires fitting Job complete
VSI x 1 Missing Dummy required Job complete
VSI Replaced Job complete
Icovol incorrect for aircraft Job complete
Sideslip x 2 missing Job complete
Co pilots ADI incorrect for aircraft (wired to illuminate) Job complete
Side slip x 2 dummies required for monitor station Job complete
Pilots clock missing No spares available
Pressurisation controller gauge on engineers panel is missing Job complete
Discharge vent gauge missing on engineers panel Job complete
Gnd Connection inadequate Job complete
Icovol not illuminating Job complete
AWS MWS working Job complete
Follow up visits
John Dunlevy tests the AWS and closes the breaker, the AWS system now operates
John Dunlevy removes the automonitor previously supplied by Heritage Concorde and refits the original Automonitor that was in the aircraft which DAS have now found, it illuminates correctly
John Dunlevy makes a red caption for the overhead panel and fits it to the aircraft, it is not quite the same as the rest but visually it looks better than the open bulb holder that it covers.
John Dunlevy replaces various other blown filaments and covers with spare he has in stock.
The ground call system is tested and a replacement lamp is put on the unit on the front landing gear, the system works as expected
End of Project
Condition of wiring found to be excellent we recommend periodic inspection.
We will send a separate definitive list of breakers that should be checked when non authorised personnel are allowed access to the cockpit. It is important that only these breakers are closed or stray voltage will be allowed to areas of the aircraft we do not recommend such as fuel valves.
Additional work will be communicated on a separate report
This is a FILE COPY FOR AIRCRAFT maintenance records