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Wing Fairings
Concorde has fairings which are located at the rear part of the wing and along the longitudinal axes of RIBS 3, 9 and 24. These fairing provide protection for the servo-controls and eleven hinges.There are fairings that run the length of the nacelles below RIBS 21; these provide protection for the hydraulic system.

Servo-Control Fairings at RIBS 3, 9, 24
The servo-control fairings are secured to the lower surface of sections 20 and 21. There is drainage holes provided at the low points of the fairings. These fairings consist of chemically machined integrally stiffened panels, except for the left-hand panel at RIB24 between SPAR68 and SPAR70 which is of a honeycomb- sandwich construction.
The servo-control fairing at RIB3 is attached, by means of screws, to pick up angles which are riveted to the wing lower surface skin. It is sub-divided into six sections, apart from the forward section; each section is stiffened by means of a stiffening formed section at its junction with the adjacent one. The aft section comprises two access doors secured by CAMLOC fasteners.
The design of the servo-control fairing at RIB9 is identical with that at RIB3, except that it comprises only five sections.

The servo-control fairing at RIB 24.
(1) Right-hand side
The fairing comprises of five sections, two of which are removable, these are distributed between SPARS 68, 69 and 70, 72.
The junction between these sections and the fastening of the removable panels are effected by means of CAMLOC fasteners. The fastening of the other sections is effected in the same way as that of fairings 3 and 9.
The sections comprise of angles, webs and stiffeners. The fairing to structure pick-up is effected by means of webs, bolted on pick-up angles, secured to the lower surface of the wing.
The fairing section between SPARS66 and 68 includes, at its lower part, an access door fastened by means of CAMLOC fasteners.
(2) Left-hand side
This fairing is located between SPARS64 and 72, comprises five of sections, four of which are removable, the fifth section between SPARS68 and 70, is the RAT housing and comprises two hatches hinged on sidewalls, which are fastened to the structure by means of screws.
The section between SPARS67 and 68 accommodates the RAT jack. These sections comprises of angles, webs and stiffeners. The junction between these sections is effected by means of screws fastened to machined webs which are bolted to the structure. All the sections are screwed to the structure, except the servo-control fairing section between SPARS70 and 72, which is fitted by means of CAMLOC fasteners.
BetweenSPARS64 and 65, there is a riveted base plate that picks up the fairing profile.

Elevon fairings
The elevon fairings are secured, by means of fasteners, which are bolted to supports located on the elevon lower surface. Each fairing comprises three sections: leading edge, forward fairing and aft fairing. The leading edge located along the elevon hinge line, is a profile of a honeycomb type construction. There are pick-up fittings, on the upper part of the fairing leading edge, which are secured to the forward fairing.The forward fairing consists primarily of a honeycomb web type construction bonded to two skin plates. Skin thickness varies between .4 mm (0.015 in) and .6 mm (0.023 in). Stiffening of the fairing is achieved by means of formed sections and transverse doublers.The interference area between the fairing and the elevon lower surface is protected by a rubber bead. The aft fairing, secured to the forward fairing by means of screws, is of the same construction.

Hydraulic system fairings
The hydraulic system fairings are secured to the wing lower surface below RIB21 between SPAR61 and SPAR72. The fairings consist of chemically machined integrally stiffened panels attached at one side to an extruded member riveted to the skin, and at the other side to a hinge secured to an extruded member riveted to the skin. The fairings are joined by means of lap joints with the front and rear ends secured by rivets and threaded fasteners to the lower skin. The aft fairing includes a formed end-section which contains an access door.

Other sections on the wing