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Fluid drainage from the Concorde wing
Drainage of fluid from Concorde’s wing bays is achieved through under-wing drains and gutters, which have been provided for that very purpose. The fluid which is normally drained is water. If there are any other fluids that are present, such as hydraulic fluid or jet fuel, this would result from accidental leakage.
The bays that are drained are:
Intermediate wing outer notched section at spar60 between rib12 and Leading edge,
Lower spar caps 54 and 60 (main gear bay)
Bay below the nacelles,
Equipment bay located at rear of spar69
Outer wing bay located at front of spar69 between rib3 and wing leading edge.
Servo control fairings
Under-wing fairings located forward and aft of the main gear bay
Intermediate Wing Drainage (Between Spars54 and 60)

Any drainage of the intermediate wing outer notched section at spar60 between rib12 and the wing leading edge is achieved through a hole drilled in the lower surface skin panel which is located between spars 58 and 60 and rib12 and wing leading ( SEE DETAIL (A) IN THE PICTURE).

Drainage of lower spar caps 54 and 60 between rib27 and the aircraft center-line is achieved by a drain tube system which connects the spar cap lower part to the lower surface fairings located forward and aft of the main gear bay
Intermediate Wing (Between SPARS60 and 66)
Drainage of the wing bay which is located below the nacelles between spars 64 and 66 is achieved through holes drilled in the lower surface skin panels.
Drain channels are secured to the lower surface panel and run from spars 60 to 66. A drain pipe at aft end of the channel picks up with a drain adaptor assembly which is in turn connected with a dry bay pipe located in the nacelle door side panel (SEE DETAIL (C) IN THE PICTURE)
Drainage is completed by drains installed in panel recess cover plates at rib12 between spars 64 and 66
Intermediate Wing (Between SPARS66 and 72)
Drainage of wing bay located below the nacelles between spars 66 and 72 is achieved through holes drilled in lower surface skin panels at ribs 12 and 21.
Drain channels are installed on the recess cover plates of the panels which are located at rib12 between spars 66 and 72
At rib21, there are four 8 mm (0.315) dia holes drilled in the first two hydraulic systems fairings which provide drainage in that area of the aircraft
At rib 24, holes are drilled in the lower surface skin panels between spars 69 and 72, these complete the drainage provisions for the wing rear bay.
Outer wing
The outer wing bay is drained through a drain installed on the lower surface skin panel triangular access door which is located between spars 65 and 66

Servo Control Fairings at RIBS3, 9 and 24
The servo control and elevon fairings at ribs 3, 9 and 24 are drained through holes drilled in the bottom of those fairings(SEE DETAIL (B) IN THE PICTURE ABOVE)
Underwing Fairings Located Forward and Aft of the Main Landing Gear Bay
Drainage of the under-wing fairings located forward and aft of the main landing gear bays is achieved through two holes drilled in the under-wing fairings (SEE DETAIL (C) IN THE PICTURE ABOVE)
Other sections on the wing