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Concorde Wing Structure
Concorde’s forward wing extends from spar 28 to spar 41. There is a fairing which is located at the wing-to-fuselage junction, this is riveted to the fuselage and restores the wing aerodynamic profile.The intermediate wing consists of five sections and extends from spar 41 to spar 60.The spars and ribs are assembled by means of taper-lock fasteners and bolts. Splicing of sections 14 and 15 is achieved by means of pick-up fittings attached to the spar 46 web and to the section 15 rib ends.The junction of sections 15, 16, 18 and 20 is reinforced by R splicing of the main rib 17 and 21 end fittings.The outer wing extends from spar 60 to spar 72. It is secured to the intermediate wing by means of bolts. This figure below shows the various profiles of the typical structural components.

The Forward Wing
The forward wing extends from spar 28 to spar 41. The spars and the fuel tank walls adjacent to the fuselage and to the leading edge are sealed. In the centre part, spar 34 is also sealed and forms a fuel tank wall.Spars 30 and 38 are not of a similar design; one is machined with rectangular members and the other comprises of removable cross-braces. False spars include removable cross-braces, except false spars 29 and 29b, which are identical with spar 30.This section does not include any rib; the longitudinal lattice structure is made up of extruded members. The forward wing is attached to wing spar/fuselage frames 28, 30, 34 and 38 by means of adjustable fittings. Splicing at spar 41 is effected by means of pick-up fittings integral with the forward wing and the spar web and by means of a double row of special rivets.

The intermediate wing
The intermediate wing consists of five assembled sections.Section 14 (SEE THE PICTURE 3 BELOW)Section 14 extends from the sealed main spars 41 to 46. All false spars between the sealed leading edge rib and rib 24 have removable cross-braces. ALL stiffeners, from the leading edge to rib 24, have extruded members. Rib 24 has a lattice braced machined member; ribs 25, 26 and 27 have removable cross-braces. There are wing fillet fairing mountings which are attached to fuselage frames 43 and 44.

Section 15 (picture 4 below)
Section 15 extends from the main wing spars 46 to 54. Wing spar 50, which is located at the centre part of section 15, is sealed. All the false spars have removable cross braces. All stiffeners between the leading edge rib and rib 21 consist of extruded members.Ribs 21 to 27 have removable cross-braces, except rib 21, which is sealed between spars 46 and 50, and has a lattice braced machined member between spars 50 and 54. Skin panels are installed between spars 46 and 54.

Section 16 (picture 5 below)
Section 16, which includes the main landing gear bays, extends from main the spars 54 to 60. Loads on the gear are transmitted to hinge fittings located at spars 56 and 59, between ribs 21 and 22. Loads are mainly transmitted to spars 54 and 60 by a box structure included between ribs 21 and 27. Brace rods, connected to the landing gear front hinge fitting take up the cross loads.
On spars 56 and 59, in the main landing gear bay zone, between ribs 21 and 27, are installed the following:
The main landing gear retraction support beam
The main landing gear door stop
The main landing gear up Lock box attach fitting
The main landing gear brace struts
All the intermediate spars, from the leading edge rib to rib 17, include lattice braced machined members except spar 56, which is sealed. Spar 60 is sealed and forms a fuel tank wall. Between the leading edge rib and rib 12, and between ribs 17 and 21, the intermediate spars consist of members with removable cross-braces.
From rib 21 to rib 27, spars 56 and 59 are sealed, as well as ribs 27, which form the tank walls.
Spars 56 and 59, which include a fuselage pick-up fitting, are braced by two rods attached to two wing upper surface panel fittings. Ribs 21 and 27 include sealed doors. All the ribs between ribs 22 and 27 have machined members with vertical braces.

Section 18 (picture 6 below)
Section 18 extends between the main spars 60 and 66. It includes, at its centre part, spar 63, the forward web of which is a sealed machined corrugated member; the rear web is a lattice braced machined member with vertical reinforcements.All the intermediate spars have latticed braced machined members, except spars 64 and 66, which are sealed from rib 14 to rib 21.
Nearly all the ribs between sealed ribs 12 and 21 are of extruded members except rib 13, which is of machined members with vertical braces. Rib 17 is a machined member, with lattice type bracing on both faces except between spars 64 and 66 where it consists of a sealed machined corrugated member.
Between ribs 21 and 27, the intermediate ribs consist of members with removable cross braces. Engine attach fittings are secured to the wing lower surface, between spars 64 and 65. Skin panels are installed between spars 46 and 54

Section 20 (picture 7 below)
Section 20 extends between main spars 66 and 72. It comprises, at its centre part, main spar 69Z which is identical with spar 63 of section 18.
All intermediate spars consist of lattice braced machined members. Spar 68 consists of machined members with lattice type bracing on both faces. The ribs between rib 12 and rib 21 are basically identical with those of section 18.
Ribs 12 and 21 are sealed between spars 66 and 69 and are of lattice braced machined members between spars 69 and 72.
Between ribs 21 and 27, intermediate ribs are identical to those of section 18, apart from rib 24 which has a machined member with removable cross braces between spars 66 and 69, and lattice braced machine members between spars 69 and 72.
At spar 72, the ends of ribs 21, 24 and 27 include the eleven hinge bearings.
Wing rib 24 lower boom is equipped with the servo-control attach fitting. This attachment is protected by a fairing, which is secured to the lower skin of the section.
Double hat-section expansion joints and fillet sections are mounted both at the upper and lower surface of the wing, between spars 66 and 72Z in the area of the wing to fuselage junction.
At the lower surface is a drainage gutter, between spars 66 and 72.

The outer wing
Section 21 (SEE PICTURE 8 BELOW)The outer wing consists of section 21, between spars 60 and 72; it is of multi-spar box type, as is the section to which it is attached. The attachment of this structure to the intermediate wing is made with bolts. All the intermediate spars and spar 72 are of lattice braced machined members.

Spars 60 and 69, and ribs 3 and 12, which form fuel tank walls, are sealed.
All intermediate ribs are of lattice braced machined members, apart from rib 6 which includes a machined member with lattice type bracing on both faces between spars 69 and 72.
Elevon bearing and servo-control attach fittings are fitted at spar 72, at the end of ribs O, 3, 6, 9 and 12.
The leading edge
The leading edge is formed by skin panels, braced ribs and extruded sections. At the junction with the wing lower surface extrusion, the rib web is reinforced by means of an angle extrusion. The seals are fitted by means of VITON glue.

Other sections on the wing